Things I’ve Learned.

That’s an awfully vague title, but I didn’t feel like putting “Thinks I’ve Learned Since I Hit Publish on Out of Darkness Three Months Ago.” because that seemed absurd.

Anyway, I’ve realized a couple things over the past few months, that will help (me) a whole heck of a lot when I go to publish Out of Light.  Not the writing part, who even cares about that. (Kidding.)

Here is a small, unordered list of things that I’ve realized the past couple days.

  • You can’t just slap an ebook cover on a paperback. It just doesn’t look as good as you think. You need a spine/back cover.
  • Figure out your measurements. Otherwise, your cover is gonna be wonky.
  • Trust (some of) your instincts. If you’re uneasy about how it looks on screen, you’re probably going to be the same once it prints.
  • Proofread your blurb and bio. Three times. Maybe more.
  • Making other people format your stuff is good. (thanks ax)
  • It’s unhealthy to refresh the sales page 50 times per day.

I had more, but I got distracted. I really need to start writing these away from the main computer.

Till next time!

Note to self: Proofread everything.


PS: I have no updates on Out of Light, just been editing it up. Gonna start putting it up on Scribophile soon for initial fixes. Then I have to find a beta reader again I guess. Oh, also I’ve sold over 60 copies of Out of Darkness.

(Yes, that number is 61.)



It’s a Post! Secret Confession Edition.

Hey there readers,

I have a confession to make. I’m awful at blogging regularly. I bet you never guessed. I just don’t know what to put in here to make it worth updating more than every month or so. I probably won’t ever change, I like chattering. Chattering doesn’t quite work on blogs though.

Rambling on the other hand…

Continue reading It’s a Post! Secret Confession Edition.

Reviews! (Oh, and CampNaNo Updates I Guess.)

Why hello there, dear readers.

Two things. I’ve noticed recently that whenever I’m in a good mood, or excited, that I  begin my posts (whether here, a forum, twitter, or even my personal private journal) with “why hello there” and I think that’s ridiculous.

I’m not going to stop doing it.

Moving on, guess who just got ANOTHER review! (hint: It was me.) That’s 3 now! Isn’t that fancy.

That’s all, bye everyone 🙂

PS: I’ve written words on CampNaNo. Something like 4k, I forgot and I don’t want to reopen the document. Only 2k of that was today. Give or take. This is an awful Camp update.

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 7 – A Finished Draft Edition.

Why hello there dear readers,

How are you this fine Saturday morning? Me? I’m great. Wanna know why?

Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo Day 7 – A Finished Draft Edition.

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2018

Hey readers!

Well, it’s 5 days into April which is Camp NaNo month! And…I’ve done nothing towards my project yet.

That isn’t to say I haven’t been writing! I just haven’t been writing what I had planned. I was supposed to be writing an idea I had a few months ago, but  Out of Light needs some major changes. When I first started it, Out of Darkness didn’t exist. Many of the things that happened there, hadn’t happened yet. So Out of Light has a lot of things that no longer make sense. I would go into more specifics, but ‘spoilers.’

Actually… Maybe this will be my Camp NaNo project. Good job readers, you solved my problem.