
Hello readers, followers, whatever you call yourselves. I should probably update or at least make a post.

I took a week or so off from editing, (slacker!) I was getting too wrapped up in everything and needed a rest. I’m back on it this week. But I think I’m going to try and do editing/writing three days a week instead of six. I think I was getting away from enjoying it and treating it in a way that made it very unfun.

I made a patreon to go with my gofundme just because someone on twitter reminded me that it existed.

Editing on book 1 is almost done, though I’m no closer to a title. I’ve got a list of questions I need to find a way to go back and answer but I think I’m going to save those for the next revision set.

Given the cuts that have taken place already, I think book 1 is going to end up losing about 10k words, putting it at about 75k words by the time it’s done.

That pretty much ends my update, have a good night y’all!