Grammarly, my Amusement with Spam Comments, and Book Updates

Grammarly was on sale the other day, so I bought it. I’m a sucker for sales I guess. I’ve learned I comma splice a lot and that I also forget to use commas in appropriate places. I forget the name for it now.

Now on to my amusement with spam comments. I check Akismet or whatever it’s called every few days, and the spam comments are pretty amusing. They moved on from just putting junk to putting nearly perfectly worded compliments on blogs. I think, a few weeks ago, I actually un-spammed one because I fell for it! I don’t know why that amuses me, but it does.

Regarding War of the Sisters itself, I’m still bouncing back and forth on making it one vs. two books. On the one hand, with two books I don’t have to make any additional chapters. It splits in a nice place and a time jump wouldn’t be too unexpected between two books. On the other hand, if I make it one book I don’t have to think of two titles.

And that is the end of my rambling. Have fun, readers!