Camp NaNoWriMo Days 14 & 15

Well, I skipped a day again. I can’t say I’m surprised, and neither can you!

Day 14: 1060. Turns out that fun writing assignment broke me for a day. Was hard to get back into my regular point of view. That or I didn’t have enough sleep!

Day 15: 2,429 Tody was still a bit hard. Took me a bit to get my rhythm and then suddenly I was well over my goal with no recollection of what I had written. But that’s actually a good thing, it usually it means I got really into what I was writing.

Grand Total: 34671

In other news, I have come up with 2 new character names AND a rename for the scavs!

Anna is now Morgan, Alex is now Everly and the dreaded Scav’s are now known as the Clickers. (That makes sense in context.)

The Clickers are a savage race. They care for nothing and no one, hardly even their own. They weave their armor from the remnants of whatever they can find. Bones, rusty screws, teeth and bits of metal from rusted cars. When you hear the clicky-clack men coming, you’re already in trouble.


Thanks for reading!!


tiny gofundmelink 


Camp NaNoWriMo Day 6

Wow, today was a tough one. I just could not find the thread of the story that I had put down yesterday. I finally found it, about 20 minutes before I was supposed to go to bed, but even then that thread was mighty slippery today.

Anna’s name still remains Anna for now. I haven’t found her replacement, and she isn’t cooperating with a name change as yet. I’ve had a few different suggestions that were okay, but none of them have struck me yet.

As to word count, well I’m still writing, I just wanted to quickly post this before I went and hid with my laptop to try and focus a little better. I’m just over 16k and aiming for 17k before bed.

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 5

Why hello there readers, it’s day 5 of camp NaNoWriMo and this is my update. I wrote 1237 words today for a grand tital of just over 15k and changed the names of one of my main characters. Mischa is gone, may I introduce Asherah for your reading pleasure.

I tried to choose mythological names to tie in that my two main characters are the creators of the world but that the knowledge of this was all but lost when they slept for so long. I chose ones that I knew, but that I also had to do a little research on. If I mention Artemis and Hera everyone knows who I mean. Not quite as many, I hope, would know much of these two. Though Lilith has gained popularity recently.

I have at least one other name change but I’m nowhere near a decision for who Anna will become. I’m sure she’ll reveal herself in time.

Two Pictures

Hi there, not a story post, but there probably will be one in a few days. Just sharing the two pictures of Cyrene and Mischa. (Name changes incoming soon.) These are from a coloring book I bought, I didn’t draw them. It helped me with the descriptions of them, and so I’m sharing them.  Mischa’s name will probably be changed to Lilith at some point. I’m having a really, really tough time on Cyrene’s name.  If you have any suggestions drop me a comment!  (Note: none of them have wings, that’s just part of the picture.)